Loo my good friend called to tell me about her latest buy, a 2008 Lafite (I think) ! She was so excited & wanted me over to celebrate. If I don't appear by 9pm tonight, the wine will be gone !!!This friend is very crazy over wines. She named her 2 beloved dogs : Lafite & Merlot....lol... She almost invested in a vineyard some years back. If not for her very level headed husband, she really would had bought it. These days she'll go through her rounds of visiting hereby vineyards, e.g. from Thailand & even China. She had gone to most of the usual suspects from France, Australia to California & even Chile twice over. Always asking me to tag along, but I never did.
Well I'm not really a 'serious' wine person. Yes I do enjoy a good glass of wine or champagne once in a while but that's all. To me wine is such a transitory thing. It doesn't have any real existence in time. You open the bottle, you drink it, it's gone, And such enduring pleasure as the experience holds lies in the memory, or the anticipation. You can of course, soak off the label & pin it up on the wall to impress your friends, but that's the only lasting trophy you get. Like a stag's head mounted on a board to remind you of the hunt. So ; if the wine's not actually there, or gone, does it really matter all that much?
I told her that & she almost scream, at me ....haha...