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Monday, April 22, 2013

Foods that helps you age slower !!!

Many people ask what I eat to stay younger. I don’t know, my diet is not that fantastic. But it got me curious, so  here I have compile a small list of food that is ‘suppose’ to be good for you: 


Lycopene, an antioxidant that can combat free radicals (molecules or ions that can damage healthy cells and suppress your immune system), gets the credit for tomatoes' ability to help protect against some cancers, including lung cancer. If possible, opt for Classica tomatoes—in a study of 13 tomato varieties, Classicas ranked highest in lycopene. Don’t ask me what it is, I don’t know, but I assume other kinds of tomatoes could be as good too, & thank god I love tomatoes & Italian food for that matter. 

Red Bell Pepper 

This immunity-boosting superstar contains roughly 60 percent more vitamin C—which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight off germs and bacteria—than its green counterpart. It may also keep you looking young: A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with diets high in vitamin C were less prone to wrinkles, possibly because the nutrient spurs the production of collagen. Now, you know why I do that whitening jab!!!  Also this red bell pepper is more expensive than the green ones, you do the math…lol… 


This bright leafy green is a major source of vitamin K (one cup cooked contains almost 12 times your recommended daily value), which may help ward off heart disease and osteoporosis. You can find it in most super markets now. 


Rutin, a potentially lifesaving flavonoid (a class of antioxidants) found in high levels in this flavorful fruit, may block an enzyme linked to the formation of blood clots, lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke, according to a 2012 study from Harvard Medical School. I go to lots of functions & I usually see them using it to garnish certain desserts, strange right? 


One of the herb's medicinal properties comes from the antioxidant eugenol. Recent lab studies found that this compound sparks anticarcinogenic activity in cervical cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct. One of my favour dish is that Basil chicken in thai food, but I usually leave the basil behind, from now on, I’ll eat it all….lol… 


The deep-purple skin gets its rich color and anti-aging power from nasunin, a nutrient that helps fight the spread of cancerous cells by cutting off the blood supply they need to multiply. Research also suggests that nasunin may slow the development of Alzheimer's disease by preventing free radicals from damaging neurons. Well don’t eat too much of it, as the Chinese say, it’s very cooling! 

Brussels Sprouts 

Our cells are naturally equipped with tumor-suppressing genes, and the sulfur compounds found in Brussels sprouts may help those genes by blocking enzymes that promote tumor growth. A 2012 study also found that these sulfur compounds could play a key role in treating rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation and activating cartilage-protecting proteins. Hmm… this is an ang moh food so I hardly ever eat it, but please do try it if you can. It's like a mini

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

You can grow old & wrinkled on your own BUT me, I need more botox from Dr Keith

I'm surprise that people do read my blog! WOW !!!!
I'll try to make an effort of updating my blog more often.
Some of you email me, thanks... I hear you...
Getting older for anyone is really no joke, a total drag if you ask me. The worst is I don't even feel old at all- only the body ' acts ' otherwise!!!!.... mind & body just don't align!

Some of you said I'm advocating putting poison into the face. To that I say: HELLO... that's my face. You can grow old & wrinkled & saggy all you like, but on your own- I'm sure your husband, your enemies, your BFF .... will all love!

However there's a large number of us who wants to stay attractive for as long as possible!!! Be it for our own self esteem or for our husbands sake (men loves having someone attractive beside them, it does reflect status & accomplishment to a certain degree!!!) , maybe you just want to look better than your BFF, or even your own 'younger' the job needs it. You could be holding a high position job by now & you do not want to look like a frumpy old Aunty right????

If you look at all the old people don't you think they look a bit sad? Well, it's that damn combo of gravity & aging skin again, that's acting on the area around the mouth & creating what looks like a perpetual frown. I'm serious, I'm starting to feel that a couple of years back already. I call it the bull dog effect! I told Dr & he couldn't help but laugh out loud!!!! I think the whole clinic could hear us roaring with laughter!!!! Had a good time.

What Dr Keith Ong did was inject some botox to rectify that- NO frowns for me people....ever !!! You'll NEVER catch me frowning  "naturally", looking like some old lady... I tell you!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Eye Brow lift with filler/botox -I needed it !!!!

This blog has been non-active for a while- NO that does not mean I’m not doing anything. I'm just too lazy to blog that's all. Blogging is still something new for my age group, we used to keep very 'private diaries' for our eyes only. Now diaries had gone electronic & viral -for everyone to read!!!! But I'm liking it, this change is interesting!

Well like I say, I’ve done lots, since you last heard from me. At my age, if  you lax even for a moment, gravity will get you- yes it will. Then there's the loosening elasticity of your once supple skin! Nightmare!!!

Anyway, the “ make-over” I did with Dr Keith Ong @Parsons Medical  last year still holds. Fillers do last for quite a while.  Botox, you do need more attention…. especially the lines on the forehead! Went back to Dr Keith Ong, a while back just before Chinese New Year for botox touch –ups, a bit here & there- you know the drill…lol……
If you don’t,  then I’m pretty sure you are still VERY YOUNG… & I envy you, I do!!!
This time around I notice the skin around my eyes has been sagging, drooping ….sigh…..  DR Keith Ong recommended an eye brow lift with a combination of filler & botox- Well why not? He’s welcome to lift anything on my face….LOL…….

The result is better than expected. My double eye lid becomes more pronounced & visible AGAIN !!! My eye looks bigger & that took a few years off! My brows took on a more feminine arch-Well done!!!
My buddy's turn, yes, we go to these " overhaul" jobs together all the She had the same thing done & than MORE !! She has lost some weight so everything looks a little saggy, poor thing. So she needed more help....LOL......
When it's over, we went over to celebrate "our lost & found youth" at the near-by Teochew restaurant at Centre Point. The food there is still very good.