1. Fillers & Botox.
First book an appointment with a good doctor & go
fix your face! You owe it to your self! It's best to start correcting abit at a time all along rather than waiting for substantial changes that make correction more extensively & costly. Nothing ages a person more than lines & wrinkles on the face- a dead give away!
2. Make-up!
I feel that the older I get, I look better with
less make-up. However no matter how beautiful you are, you always need some make-up. It makes me feel beautiful, confident & put together. And when done right it can literally take years off!! It's all about choosing the right colors & always wear a classic look! Dont go for what's the HOT color of the season.
3. Age Spots.
Tell- tale signs of aging, & they cant be covered even by the best foundations, so get rid of them!!! For mild cases can try microdermabasion or mild chemical peels.
For more serious cases will require
Whitening injection & spot corrector. I dont suggest laser as when a person ages, the skin becomes dry. And dry skin & laser treatments just dont mix very well. Creams & whitening jabs are the better choice.
4. Exfoliate Regularly
As we age, our skin cells slows down as well. THis results in rough uneven blotchy texture. Exfoliating regularly helps speed up cell turn over thus revealing a fresher looking skin.
5. Healthy Lifestyle
Dont smoke, maintain healthy weight, dont starve your body with those yo-yo diets & most of all
wear sun block to protect the skin.